Thursday, 30 June 2011

Teachers are on strike today so I have to be half mum half artist :)  I'll consider it practise for the summer holidays which start shortly.  I'm making a rock for the Merman today and will hopefully have the sculptural work finished by the end of the day (bar the finishing touches of course).

I have decided to stop pushing for funding for an MSc in Physical Oceanography since I do not feel I am in the right place to make it happen.  I shall take up training as a teacher so that I can work primarily as an artist and supplement my income by working as a teacher.  It would be good to specialise in helping adults with learning differences - I am dyspraxic with a specific learning difficulty in Mathematics but I gained a 2:1 joint honours degree in Mathematics and Physical Oceanography.  That was due to a determination and enthusiasm I would like to pass on to others.

For now, roll on the art . . .  and the beach, lego, homework!?!

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